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Add and Claim Your Site(blogger blog) to Alexa

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


What is alexa:

Alexa is a web analytic company. It analyzes the websites all over the world. It rank every site depended on overall traffic. Less alexa rank is better. I mean it’s not like Google page rank. Google pagerank rated between 1-10. The more you got the more it better. But alexa rank is rated between all website in the world. And of course how less your rank is, it’s much better.

Why alexa rank matters:

Why today I’m writing this post? Why we so conscious about alexa rank? Are you facing this question by yourself? Alexa rank is very useful for both of site owner and visitor.
Importance to owners: We generally do blogging for some extra money. And the less your alexa rank you will get more money. When we apply for a publisher account on big advertising company they mainly focus on our site’s alexa rank. Less alexa rank means good traffic and good traffic means enough money. Some famous advertising company like buysellads, madadsmedia, will never approve your application for a publisher account if your site don’t have a good alexa rank. I think now you know the advantage of top alexa ranking as a site owner.
Importance to visitor: Now a days the number of total website and blog in the whole world increasing very quickly. So visitor getting confused to chose the best one among them, but alexa rank made it easier for them. Now not only owners but also visitors are conscious about alexa ranking. They can easily judge a site/blog depending on its alexa ranking. So if you got a good alexa rank visitors are coming back to you.

Claim & add your site to alexa:

Now we know what is alexa and advantage of alexa ranking. Now I’m going to discuss about the main thing of this post, and it’s about ‘how you can add and claim your site to alexa’. Its important and necessary for every site owners decrees alexa rank. Claiming a site to alexa means giving a prove to alexa that; you are the owner of the site and you really care about it. When you care alexa is also going take care of your site. Now follow the steps below to claim your site to alexa:
  1. I assume you already have an alexa account. If not then create now its takes only seconds. Enter your email and sign up. You can also create alexa account using your facebook account.
  2. Now you have an alexa account for sure, login to your account.
  3. Now click on the flowing link; Click Here.
  4. After clicking that link you will see 3 methods to verify your ownership to alexa. Chose ‘Method 2’ and copy the generated Meta tag.
    alexa verifying method
  5. Now login to your blogger account and click ‘Template’ and then‘Edit HTML’.
  6. Now press ‘Ctr+F’ and search for ‘<head>’ tag.
  7. After finding the head tag, paste the meta tag that you copied from alexa in step 4 just after/below <head> tag [I mean paste the meta tag between <head> and </head> tag]. Click 'Save Template'. See the example screenshot below.
    blogger head tag
  8. Now come to alexa and click ‘Verify my ID’.
    alexa verify ID button
  9. After clicking this button you will see a confirmation message saying ‘Your site is successfully claimed’.
    alexa site verification successfull

This was the complete steps to claim site on alexa. I wish you will love this post. And really this post helped you then please considers 10 seconds to share this page on your social page.

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